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keg stand


1650mm x 600mm x 560mm

Beer kegs and 32mm mdf


An entertainment centre made from recycled steel beer barrels and MDF with a high gloss, hand-applied finish.
Repurposed and fit for purpose.


Newly landed in Australia, I hadn’t acquired many possessions and one of the items of furniture I needed was an entertainment stand for my TV (which wasn't flat screen at that time).


When I was living in Bondi, my flatmate brought home a couple of barrels of beer from Carlton United Brewery. Once we’d finished them off I realised they could be put to another entertaining use.


I welded small brackets onto the barrels to support two solid MDF shelves which were cut to fit.Two discs of MDF were cut to fit the barrel-tops and turn them into additional useful space.


I painted it by hand with high gloss enabel, covering the cold steel with a flawless layer of bright silky paint. It was a very satisfying process.

The unit was handpainted in gloss paint
The unit is functional and fun

This is a reminder of my younger self and that mundane objects can be transformed into something that they originally were not.


I later repainted it from its original bright blue to green to suit its current location, and it is still as sturdy and fun as when I originally made it.

© 2015 by jonny gloss

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